Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Haptic Modling, 6 best pictures.

This was composed of old packing materials to resemble some kind of "cardboard castle". The structure is relatable because of the arches and high towers, however being different because of it's lack of exactness.
This represents melody in the same way a melody is written on paper. Each line of music is unique but initially contributes to the whole.

This was modeled after rhythm. Each attachment follows a semicircle pattern, sort of like repeating wavelengths.

Structure: From bottoms and tops of old drink canisters, I was able to build a sort of plastic fortress.

I modeled this to rhythm. Just as flowers have a rhythmic lifestyle, they're planted, they grow and they die.

This is a chain of various plastic bags. It was constructed with knots and loop holes. I think it represents Melody best because of the connection of separate parts to make a whole. Each knot that is tied contributes to the whole chain, just as a melody is made up of notes to contrive a certain sound.

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