Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Journal 5, blog 2

Chalk zone is animation within animation. The producers had to create a kind of inverse reality to their original concept. I like the out of the box original thinking.

Journal 5 blog 1

I find the blue man group inspirational. They were able to take an abstract concept and turn it into a money-making act by making themselves blue. It's the whole idea of marketing something unusual to make a point.

Journal 5, sketch 5

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal, Week 4, sketch 4

Journal, Week 4, blog 2


This video was an advertisement for Nike shoes about a year ago. I like it and was drawn to it because of the title, "Need Motivation?". It's basically 6 different scenarios of people running. However, they're all running towards something, or away from something. Either way, these people have a purpose for their quickened pace and determined face. The scene ends with a guy jogging on a treadmil, looking a little sluggish, kind of like he's lost any motivation. Suddenly the music gets loud and a group of runners break through the glass and take him into their running pack. Motivation has to come from something.

Journal Entry, Week 4, blog 1

I got a blast from the past this weekend when I was asked what my favorite cartoon was. It took a few minutes but then it hit me like a log. The Angry Beavers was by far the best cartoon nickolodeon ever had to offer. I watched a few clips of it and was astounded at how weird it actually was. However, It made me realize that cartoons are just an outlet for extreme creativity. Animators and producers worldwide truly have a talent to take something so crazy and add life to it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sketch 3

Journal Entry, 9/6-9/13

I have trying to get in to comics lately. I notice that they have a particular art form and by reading them I could not only entertain myself, but I could also study them and hope to improve my drawing skills. The unique thing about them is that they are in sequence. That got me thinking about the trend of "comic book movies" such as spiderman, superman, bat man, watchman ect. Movie producers capitalized on the idea that the comic drawers introduced, which in my opinion is an example of transferrable art.

Journal Entry 9/7-9/13

This week, I decided to rent the movie 300. I have seen it before, but I thought my perspective on it would change because of my new interest in graphic design and illustration. Now, instead of just watching a gory war flick, I payed attention to the details. I noticed at points that the backround landscape was stationary, save a few computer generated birds flying around. The characters, such as Cerces, hunchback and the whole 300 warriors had obviously been designed in some kind of photoshop software. Computer animated abs? Best thing since lipo. Anyway, I am astounded by the achievement of these professional graphic producers. Inspiring, none the less.

Assignment .3 illustrator, CS4

This is my attempt at creating a vector drawing from my haptic modling. I worked with tutorials to try to understand exactly how to trace and then delete the photograph, but was unsuccesful. As an alternative, I used variations of Live Trace to transform a picture and give it new dimentions.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Haptic Modling, 6 best pictures.

This was composed of old packing materials to resemble some kind of "cardboard castle". The structure is relatable because of the arches and high towers, however being different because of it's lack of exactness.
This represents melody in the same way a melody is written on paper. Each line of music is unique but initially contributes to the whole.

This was modeled after rhythm. Each attachment follows a semicircle pattern, sort of like repeating wavelengths.

Structure: From bottoms and tops of old drink canisters, I was able to build a sort of plastic fortress.

I modeled this to rhythm. Just as flowers have a rhythmic lifestyle, they're planted, they grow and they die.

This is a chain of various plastic bags. It was constructed with knots and loop holes. I think it represents Melody best because of the connection of separate parts to make a whole. Each knot that is tied contributes to the whole chain, just as a melody is made up of notes to contrive a certain sound.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sketch 2

I call this sketch "Break Free". Everyone is bound to fly, the only reason some don't is because of the weight that their heart carries. The possibilities are endless if you can embrace freedom of spirit.

Journal 2, 8/31-9/6, blog 2

My second Blog is a response to a video on youtube titled "Fake Beauty" http://youtube.com/watch?v=jv5MvIyFvCg&NR=1. In 58 seconds, it shows how an ordinary girl can be transformed into a super model through the magic of Photoshop. The photo above is the add that was posted on a billboard. I was just amazed how easy it was for the "photoshoppers" to transform this plain jane into a billboard beauty. It's just another example of how technology is changing everything. In this day and age, anyone can be beautiful with a little help from computer software.

Journal 2, 8/31-9/6- blog 1

This is the Persistance of Time, a painting by Salvador Dali. Being the 20th centuries most famous surreal artist, Dali's works inspire the abstract and display art on a completely different field. I think it's important to study this type of art in order to learn the basis of abstract thinking and how to portray it into a 2D element.